Services We Offer

Our Best Services

Manufacturing Roadmap

We are proud to support startups with their journey in manufacturing, every step of the way. Learn more below about how Aviot Manufacturing is involved in every step of the manufacturing timeline. 


We use our engineering and manufacturing know how to creatively solve problems.


We balance speed, quality and cost effective methods to ensure quality assurance and an optimal turn over time.


We use the latest engineered materials to ensure the most optimal and cost effective finished product for our clients.


We focus on applying the latest and most efficient manufacturing methods for our clients.

Product Ideation

Ideation is often the most exciting stage in product development. Our team work's with our clients to fine-tune and develop an idea that is ready to be brought to reality.

Product Ideation

Constraints and Requirements

Using the Three R's: Requirements, Risks, and Resources, our team provides a detailed overview regarding the constraints and requirements of our client's projects.

Constraints and Requirements

Conceptual Design

Our team of industrial designers are able to bring our client's concepts into a detailed 3D rendering, using our in-house design tools and software.

Conceptual Design

Virtual Testing

We offer virtual testing through the virtual reality cave powered by Invest Windsor/Essex.

Virtual Testing

Design Update

No idea is perfect. Our team will continue to fine-tune your product until is ready for market.

Design Update

Rapid Prototyping

Time to bring your product into reality. We provide our clients a one-stop rapid prototyping services & low-volume manufacturing services.

Rapid Prototyping


Over 90% of new products and services fail at launch because they were developed in a vacuum. Don’t be one of them. We make it easy to create unlimited feedback loops with your target audience and get your product in front of focus and test groups.


Manufacturing Feasibility Study

Manufacturing Feasibility Study

Tooling Setup

Tooling Setup

Supplier Development

Supplier development is about generating a new capability or competency in suppliers. It is often linked to, although distinct from, performance improvement.

Supplier Development

Global Sourcing & Procurement

Global sourcing and procurement are vital as demand continues to grow for better products at a competitive price. Aviot Manufacturing works in sourcing goods and services from the international market across all geopolitical boundaries. This, in turn, ensures that our clients are able to offer their customers their products at the most competitive price point

Global Sourcing & Procurement

Manufactured Unit Testing

Manufactured Unit Testing

Manufacturing Feasibility Study

Manufacturing Feasibility Study

Post Manufacturing

Post Manufacturing

Quality Assurance

Quality control from Aviot Manufacturing – assures the quality of your processes, products, machinery, equipment, systems anywhere in the world. We believe in delivering high-quality products to our customers and take pride in our rigorous QA standards and practices.

Quality Assurance

Global Supply Chain Management

With the global climate changing rapidly, it is important to work with a manufacturing partner that will assist you in ensuring your products are delivered on time 365 days of the year.

Global Supply Chain Management

Supplier Relations

Developing relationships with suppliers is something which we take pride in. Our network of over 500 suppliers globally allows us to ensure our client's goals and expectations are always met

Supplier Relations

Cost Optimization

We work with suppliers to ensure our clients are getting the best prices at every stage of their product cycle.

Cost Optimization

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